Siti Nurrafidah

MOE Kindergarten @ Springdale

Siti Nurrafidah
5 Sep 2018

MOE Kindergarten (MK) @ Springdale Visits Singapore Art Museum @ 8Q together with friends from AWWA @ Lorong Napiri

This year, MOE Kindergarten @ Springdale (MK@SD)continues its partnership with AWWA @ Lorong Napiri. The Kindergarten One children and their teachers looked forward to this collaborative effort.

For the Start Small, Dream Big 2018 Launch Party, MK@SD decided to take the children, teachers and families from AWWA to the Singapore Art Museum @8Q. 

<u>Making the most of the Museum visit</u>

Prior to the museum visit, MK teachers shared about the museum etiquettes with the children.

In addition, MK children were engaged in a conversation that was conducted by the AWWA teachers on ways to interact with their AWWA friends. The AWWA teachers also shared with children from MK@SD on the different equipments (wheelchair, picture aids) commonly used to help their AWWA friends. Children were also given the opportunity to try them out to gain an insight into their AWWA friends daily routines.

MK children were also introduced to their AWWA friends based on the profiles that were prepared by the AWWA teachers. They learnt the most comfortable way to greet and communicate with their AWWA friends. 

<u>The Museum Experience</u>

MK Children excited to welcome their AWWA friends during the day of the launch party. They walked alongside their AWWA friends during the museum experience. Some held hands together as they explored the different spaces in the museum.

The interactive exhibits provided children the ability and opportunity to explore their own curiosities. The museum offers a dynamic possibility to give children the opportunities to explore and experience in an enriched environment together.

After the exploration time together, the MK children thanked the AWWA children, families and teachers for the opportunity given to them to spend the day together at the museum. As they waved goodbye to their new found friends, they also mentioned their eagerness to work together in the coming interactive session-An Art Experience.

<u>Post Museum Reflection</u>

MK children shared with their teachers about their experiences interacting and exploring the museum together. Some were able to recall the names of their AWWA friends and the activities that they enjoyed the most during the museum experience. They also highlighted that they would like to visit the museum again with their siblings and parents. MK teachers also shared their observations on the positive behaviours (caring, kind, gentleness)that were evident during the museum experience. MK teachers and children ended their reflection session by celebrating each other’s awesome effort with cheers, claps and hugs.

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