Turla Maria Cristina

MacPherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre

Turla Maria Cristina
2 Sep 2024

MacPherson Sheng Hong Childcare Centre SSDB Party Launch - “Give with a Grateful Heart”

On 27 April 2024, we have launched our Fund Raising Project for this year’s SSDB Project for K1 and K2 classes. 

All the parents of the K1 and K2 classes were invited to be informed and involved in this project. Our theme for this year’s project is “GIVE WITH A GRATEFUL HEART”. 

How are we going to raise funds for this project?

📍The children will prepare for a bazaar by

✔️ Sell their old toys

✔️ Sell used clothes, shoes, bags and accessories that are in good condition (thrift)

✔️ Sell their own painting

📍School events that will raise funds - food street inspired, parental involvement (sponsorships) 


Our children and their parents also created a poster for the bazaar to divide the different sections in the school accordingly. 😊

It was indeed a fun day and experience for children and their parents! 😊

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