Embarking on our 2nd year journey, the theme of this year Start Small Dream Big- Let’s Battle The Mosquitoes- Stay Calm and Say No To Dengue was launched on 10 May 2021. This was in collaboration with National Environmental Agency (NEA) and Bukit Batok Town Council.
The NEA helped us in setting up a display booth at our centre as part of public education to fight dengue together. They provided us with presentation slides and flyers to share the Mozzie Wipeout information with our parents and residents. Keychains were sponsored by the Singapore Kindness Movements out of good will. Our K1 and K2 children set out on a journey to distribute the flyers and the key chains. They dropped them into the residents’ letterboxes around the school premises and personally handed over to the community workers to thank them in keeping our vicinity clean.
On 18 May 2021, we met the parents to present the NEA educational slides on mosquitoes breeding and prevention steps through a Zoom session.
The children did the opening to cordially welcome their parents with their performances. The K1 children sang and danced to the song titled, ‘Do The Mozzie Wipeout’, whilst the K2 enacted and danced to the ‘Buzz, buzz Bug song’.
The children took their first small steps to cultivate habits to monitor their surroundings. They prepared a checklist to examine their school and home environments. This allowed them to play a vital role in preventing mosquitoes breeding.