We are all familiar with the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Having introduced the 3Rs to the children here at Bright Juniors @ Yishun, they then embarked on a project with their parents to recycle unwanted objects into different articles of clothing.
Through this Home-School Partnership Project, the children were introduced to sustainable fashion in this time when fast fashion is highly sought after, imparting to them the message that fashion can be fun and trendy while still conserving the environment. Not only that, by allowing for partnership with the children’s parents, the children’s learning experience will be made more memorable and meaningful as they get to involve their parents in what they have learnt in school. Aside from that,this partnership will also provide an insight to the parents that recycling household objects is not complicated as what they perceive it to be.
In order to reinforce the children’s understanding of the of the 3Rs, the children were also brought out on an excursion to the Singapore Science Centre. At the Science Centre, we were all surprised to see that there was a fourth ‘R’ - Rethink.
Upon thorough reading of the infographic present, we realised that ‘Rethink’ meant reflecting on our actions and the impact they have in the world we live in. This is crucial as rethinking about our actions will better enable us to work towards a zero waste nation by reducing our consumption as well as reusing and recycling all materials to give them a second lease of life.