Alyssa Geremillo

My First Skool @ Sembawang Close Blk 331

Alyssa Geremillo
23 Jul 2018

Kindness Starts within Me!@ Sembawang Close

(End of May)

MFS- Sembawang Close started to reinforce gratefulness and appreciation to children by discussing about people whom they can be grateful for. Some suggestions mentioned by them included the rubbish collectors, firemen, policemen, drivers, family members, as well as their friends. The older children elaborated further by explaining why they should be appreciative, while the younger ones shared about their feelings towards those whom they want to thank to.

Therefore, we planned for ‘Kindness Walk” whereby each class level created a token of appreciation to be given to random community helpers or elders in the neighbourhood as a sign of their admiration, appreciation and respect to them. It was a fulfulling activity for everyone as children spread happiness to the neighbourhood with a simple act of appreciation. Indeed, such small steps taken by children have influenced the adults to be more proactive in being gracious.

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