My Talent Childcare Centre Pte Ltd

3 Aug 2023

Kindness in a Bottle

My Talent Childcare Centre at Taman Jurong have kickstarted our 2nd Start Small Dream Big Project for 2023 with boundless enthusiasm. This project “Kindness in a Bottle” aims to encourage children to dream big, to show kindness to the community and to create awareness on the importance of recycling and caring for the environment.

The project was successfully launched with an outdoor discussion session which focused on highlighting the significance and the objectives of the project. The SSDB project is not only about pursuing individual dreams but also about building a better world for future generations. By promoting recycling and environmental consciousness, this initiative seeks to create a lasting impact in our community.

The launching concluded with the distribution of resources to all levels, such as, recycled plastic bottles, soil, seeds for planting and the Reflection Journals for K1 & K2 children.

The children started the project by preparing all the materials needed, followed by setting up the soil in recycled plastic bottles, plating the seeds, and watering them. During the activity, the children have learnt that just like them, seeds also need love and care in order to grow.

It was indeed a meaningful experience for everyone. The children were excited for the daily watering, monitoring and taking care of the seedlings until they are ready for harvesting.

In no time, the Kangkong plants have grown and ready to harvest.

A big thank you to everyone who participated especially to the parents who supported and contributed materials needed for this project.

Your generosity and support means everything to us!

Let us celebrate the dreams of our learners who are dedicated to making a positive change!

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