Emily Chan

Ace @ Work Childcare Pte Ltd (CCK757)

Emily Chan
14 Sep 2023

Everyone Matters - An SSDB project about helping one another to care for everyone’s mental health ♥️


Through the movie, Inside Out, the K1 and K2 students were introduced to this year’s Start Small Dream Big Project entitled: Everyone Matters. This project aims to raise awareness to the significance of mental health and wellness. 

After clips of the movie, the K1 and K2 class had a discussion and sharing activity about how and when do we feel certain emotions. 

We also discussed and add the emotion of feeling overwhelmed. The K2 class shared that they mostly feel overwhelmed when there is a lesson that they are having a hard time to understand.

As part of the activity, the question “what do we do when we feel overwhelmed?” was asked to the children. They answered sort of different things such as punch a pillow, cry, scream or stomp their feet. Then the teacher asked the children “what do you do to make yourself feel better?” And they answered with a variety of ways such as listening to music, taking a showe or even smelling their parent’s candles! 🕯️

This discussion and sharing activity helped K1 and K2 children understand their own emotions first, which is a great tool in understanding others.

After the sharing activity, the children were then guided to make their own scented candles! 🕯️

They also decorated their work with some beads and glitters! ✨

As the children packed their scented candles, they were tasked to write a note that they think would make someone feel better if they are feeling down…

And the children wrote very sweet messages… ♥️🥹

These candles will be given out to people in our community during the next part of our project! 

We are so excited to make someone smile by this small act from the children. ♥️

So, stay tuned on our next story!! ✨✨

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