Every April 22, people celebrate Earth Day to show how much they care about the planet.
Likewise, the children in MapleBear celebrated Earth Day with a beautiful set-up! A beautiful backdrop meticulously pieced together from paper egg cartons!
The children came to school with headgears made out of recycled materials. We talked about all the different aspects of Earth (water, land, wildlife, atmosphere, humans) and how each play a role.
We also conducted a Lava Lamp Experiment,
Fill the flask most of the way with vegetable oil.
Fill the rest of the flask with water. The water will sink to the bottom under the oil and look like little, clear blobs.
Add a few drops of food colouring; your choice of colour. The food colouring is water-based, so it will also sink and colour the water that is now at the bottom of the flask.
Break an Alka-seltzer tablet into a few small pieces, and drop them in the flask one at a time.
Watch the lava lamp erupt into activity!