Godala Karen Pagao


Godala Karen Pagao
4 Jul 2023

Decorate a Healthy Snack Competition 🥗

On 21st of June 2023, the parents were invited to a talk about preparing a healthy snack for their children and elderly at home by a Nutritionist from the National Healthcare Group (NHG).

After the talk, the parents randomly picked a healthy snack recipe, and together with their child, they re-created and decorated the snack as a team!

To win the competition, their snacks should be pleasing to the eyes of the judges, the elderly at the Social Day Centre. The team with the most flowers wins!

Our winners who both had five flowers from the elderly. Congratulations! 🎊🎉

The parents and children had fun making a healthy snack together that they can do at home and share with their grandparents. In the end, everyone was a winner for doing their best and creating a healthy snack.

The elderly were happy that the parents and children visited them and made them part of the competition as the judges. This event is part of our SSDB Project: A Caring and Holistic Environment for Our Elderly

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