For our SSDB 2019, we ensure that all level (PG-K2) will be involve.
In one week children were so busy making special craft to raise funds. They made the craft with much love. Children were aware that these crafts were meant for our funds raising and all proceed will go to Ling Kwang Home. From PG to Nursery they made paper bag, K1 made dream catcher and photo frame, K2 made painted coaster, door hanger and an ECO bag which they design, draw and painted from the redpective classes.
In the morning of our combo event, children made Healthy food.
Pg and Nursery made Milk cereal bar, Pre-Nursery made Egg-mayo biscuits, Fruit salad eas done by K1 and Chicken Kebab made by K2. All proceeds for the sales of food will go for our donations for LKH.
Children were all excited to sell their craft and healthy food.