In the first part of our SSDB project, the children learnt about how the healthcare heroes are taking care of others and helping to fight the virus. In the next segment of the project, the K1 children are learning how to care for their families. They suggested teaching their families on the proper hand washing technique.
“You need to use soap and water!”
“Wear a mask when you’re going out!”
After that, the teachers asked children to suggest other ways they can help their families stay healthy. They suggested eating vegetables. We partnered with Dazhong Primary School and learnt how we can effectively plant vegetables. Due to the COVID-19 safe management measures, the primary school students and teachers were unable to work together with the children physically. However, the primary school students engaged the kindergarten children through a video.
It’s time to plant our own vegetables!
First, we wet the cotton. Next, we put some Chye Sim seeds on the cotton. Then, we wait for the seeds to sprout!
After a week, the seeds have sprouted! The children then transplanted the seeds into the soil and watered them daily.
Please grow up well!
We can’t wait to harvest the vegetables and bring them home for our families!