After the previous dog toy making session, children became more empathetic towards abandoned pets and showed interest in learning more about them. The teacher conducted various lessons revolving around the topic, “A Pet is for Life” teaching children not to get a pet on impulse, being a responsible and considerate pet owner and not to abandon pets.
Children watched the video, ‘Do Not Abandon Your Pet’ by AVAsingapore on Youtube and shared how they felt after watching the video.
The teacher read various news articles about abandonment of pets and children came up with a brainstorm web of the various reasons for abandonment of pets, what are the consequences of abandoning a pet and what are some ways to prevent abandonment of pets.
At the learning centre, the children learned about the process a pet would have to go through from when they were abandoned to getting adopted in a new home.
They learned that if the owner can no longer care for the pets, what can they do instead of abandoning the pet. Example: Putting the pet up for adoption, creating an adoption poster.
At the end of the project, the children did learn to be a responsible pet owner. The objectives of the project were met as although we started small but in the end, we were able to spread the significant message of “A Pet is for Life”.