Ms Dorothy

Carpe Diem Ace Learners Pte Ltd

Ms Dorothy
1 Oct

Responsible Pet Care@ Carpe Diem Ace Learners

This year for Start Small Dream Big, we focused on Pet’s wellbeing. Our objectives were to foster empathy and kindness in children and create awareness about being a responsible pet owner.

To deepen children’s understanding, we engaged AVS Animal Ark Veterinary Group to conduct a talk on Pet care. The Vet technician shared some tips on grooming of pets, proper way to handle pets and accessories and pet food. Children had hands-on experience petting and brushing the cat. They compared their own heartbeat to dog’s heartbeat by listening to it with a stethoscope. Children were introduced to Tripod, a cat that has only 3 legs. This sparked their curiosity and children asked questions about it.

Beyond the classroom learning, K1 and K2 children went on a learning journey to Jacob Ballas Animal Classroom to learn more about caring for pets such as cat, rabbit, guinea pig and red-eared sliders. They had the opportunity to meet some of the rescued animals under AVS’s care. They learnt the importance of showing their pets love and care by spending time with their pets and cleaning their space to provide them comfort.

Children from PG and N1 had the chance to experience petting animals such as hamster and cats.

As part of home-school partnership, parents were involved in recording a short video or doing up posters to create awareness on how to take care of their pets. Children brought the poster to school for show and tell.

A pet-related corner was set up in the dramatic centre. Children role-played as a vet, examining animals to ensure they are healthy. They also acted as pet owners purchasing items for their pets.

In line with this, children drew their pet or pet that they want to have when they grow up. By the end of the project, children have a better understanding of their responsibility as a pet owner. They are aware that ‘Pets are for life’ and are part of their family.

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