Tan Evon

PCF Sparkletots @ Fengshan Blk 76

Tan Evon
1 Aug

Ageless Connections - Visiting Orange Valley Active Ageing Centre!

In conjunction with SSDB, the children visited the elderly at Orange Valley Active Ageing Centre on 12 June, Wednesday. The main objective of this visitation is to assist children to practice having courtesy, kindness and consideration towards people around them.

The children started off with the Chinese ribbon dance. The elderly were seen clapping along as the children danced.

The second activity of the day was ‘Score The Goal’. Each child is being paired up with an elderly and together, they kicked the ball to knock down the bottles with different points pasted onto it.

Next, children also assisted in decorating the shakers (bottles with rice) using stickers together with the elderly. The shakers were being given to the elderly which were being used by them during one of the performances.

The children and elderly had lots of fun completing the Bingo game and each elderly was given a handmade fan at the end of the Bingo game. The fan was being made by the children and their parents during the SSDB launch party.

We also had a wonderful moment sculpting and painting the 3D clay.

It was indeed a fruitful learning journey for the children as they learned to respect and be considerate towards the elderly.

We look forward to returning soon to visit and support the elderly, continuing our efforts to assist and create memories with them.

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