Opleda Aileen Joy Rociento


Opleda Aileen Joy Rociento
30 Aug 2018

“Saving the Environment: Litter - free Singapore” Learning Vision@NUHS 25th June - 17th August 2018

On 25th of August, teachers of LV@NUHS introduced the project that the N2 and K1 children were about to embark on. 

Week 1 and 2: Introduction

As an introduction to the project “Litter-free Singapore”, children had the opportunity to experience an environment that was heavily littered. They were told to observed and shared their feelings on the environment. They also discussed on different types of litters and what did they know about litters. 

Discussion on how they feel and thought about the environment

Writing down about what they know about litter

Children watched a video on littering and had the opportunity to raise what are the things they want to know more about littering

Week 3: consequences of Littering

In this week, children discussed about the consequences of littering. 

Week 4: What is litter? And litter safety

Children identified the various types of litter that can be found. After which, they discussed about litter picking and litter safety. Children were taught on which litter is safe and unsafe for them to pick up.

Week 5: Introduction to 3Rs

Children were introduced to 3Rs-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. They were engaged in discussion of what 3Rs and how can they reduce, reuse and recycle waste. 

Children created an awareness poster on how to reduce and reuse waste

Week 6: Creating New Objects using Reusable materials 

Week 7: Recycling

Children were introduced to the last “R” which is recycling. They were introduced to the recycling bins and how to sort the litters or rubbish to correct bins such as paper bin, can and plastic bin.

Week 8: Carnival Preparation 

To sum up their learning on Litter-free Singapore, children participated in organizing the “Save the Environment” carnival by preparing a game booth

Week 8:

End of the project!

N2 and K1 children organized the “save the environment” carnival (Fundraising carnival) for the whole centre to educate the whole school on environmental topics such as litter-free and 3Rs. Raised fund will be donated to President’s Challenge Donation. 

Through this activity, children learned the value of caring for the environment and giving to the community.

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