In conjunction with the World Senior Citizens’ Day and the International Day of Older Persons, the children discussed about the importance of caring for the seniors in our community and activities that the seniors can do to keep themselves healthy and strong. The children came up with several ideas and crafted a poem about keeping healthy and strong. They decided to create an activity colouring book that both seniors and children can enjoy.
The activity colouring book consisted of a poem and illustrations about keeping healthy and strong. It also included ‘My Healthy Plate’ activity to cut and sort together.
The poem: ‘Let’s Keep Healthy & Strong’
In the morning we rise,
we can dance and exercise!
We plant and grow,
fruits and vegetables we know.
We cherish our time together,
these happy moments, they matter.
We go through it all, hand-in-hand,
Together, we know that we can!
The activity colouring book was gifted to Blossom Seeds Seniors Service Centre to be used when befriending and reaching out to the seniors in the homes.
To promote intergeneration bond, the centre also extended the activity to the children from other levels to spend time with their grandparents together. The activity aims to inculcate good values in the children such as kindness and empathy towards their grandparents and elderly they interact with. They had a great time bonding with their grandparents!