Start Small Dream Big Launching We are very much honoured to be participating in the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2023. Our theme for SSDB this year is Little Green Fingers. We are embarking on a project to ...
Part 2 After the seeds has sprouted and become a young plant, the children transfer the plant in to a pot. Children were given the opportunity to transfer the plants....
Gardening Every Friday, the N2 children are given the opportunity to learn, discover and take part in taking care of our little garden in our school.The children will help to water the ...
Growing Vegetables from Scraps The children and teachers brainstormed on the idea of using veggie stems, ends and seeds to regrow then into plants instead of throwing them away.As such, the school ...
Taking care of our Garden On every Monday, the K1 children will clean the garden. They will pick up litters, pull the weeds, and water the plants.
Planting As part of our CIP project, the children planted lady’s finger, mustard green, and spinach seeds. We used the fruit skins such as apple and dragon fruit as fertilizer, and ...
Parent - Child Activity As part of the parent-child activity project, the children were encouraged to bring plastic bottles to school to plant red spinach seeds and taking good care of the plants at ...
Measuring the plants Our plants have grown well. The children estimated, measured and compared the length of the plants.
Field Trip to Kok Fah Technology Farm We invited the parents to join us for a field trip to Kok Fah Technology Farm. We learnt how the farmers plant the vegetables. We also had the opportunity to plant the ...
Let's harvest Our green mustard leaves have grown.Time to harvest.Aunty helped us to cook the green mustard leaves.It’s yummy!
Start Small Dream Big Launching We are honoured to participate in Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) 2022. This year, our theme for SSDB is Little Green Fingers. We plan to plant vegetables and share the harvest ...
Visiting Resident's Garden We were lucky that one of the residents in the neighbourhood was willing to share his knowledge about the plants that he has.
Gardening On every Tuesday, we will go to our school garden to clean our garden. We willl add soil to the plants, pluck the weeds and water the plants.
Terrarium We would like to thank Woodlands Ring Primary School for inviting the K2 children to visit the school. We had fun and enjoyed ourselves doing the terrarium activity with the ...
Banana leaves Our principal helped us to cut the banana leaves. We had our meals on the banana leaves on Racial Harmony Day.
Red Cross Junior The children had fun and at the same learn about the importance of applying firstaid to someone whose injured and bleeding. They also took turns, to do role play as ...
Learning the 3R's - Reuse, Reduce & Recycle The children learned to sort out the recyclable materials as well as using recycle plastic bottles to plant vegetables and plants. They also learnt how to show care for the ...
Parent Child Collaboration Using Recyclable Materials Thank you to parents for your cooperation and spending time with your child to make a house together! Thumbs up for using recyclable materials. It was a wonderful parent child ...
Helping mothers at Home The children demonstrated kindness towards their mothers at home by doing different acts of kindness at home. This shows that kindness does not only revolves in school but ...
Children using Recycle materials to create their own houses Children using the recyclable materials to create their own houses. They enjoyed the activities and were proud of it.
Ocean Conservation - Save our Marine Life Our SSDB project emphasing in ocean conservation thought the children to understand about marine threats that the marine life is facing now and the conservation issues. They ...
SSDB Project Activities To close our SSDB project, the children appreciated one another during friendship day. They participated in activities which allowed them to show appreciation to their friends ...
Bidding Farewell to Their Beloved Friend Children bidding farewell to their beloved friend Summer who is leaving. They made a card to show their kindness.
Green Wave 2021 The K2 children participated in the Green Wave 2021 project. After the planting ceremony by the principal the children took the opportunity to water the plant.
Hari Raya Celebrations In School The children celebrated Hari Raya. They learnt about the malay culture and their tradition food.
National Day Celebration 2021 Virtual Event The children celebrated National Day Celebration 2021 Virtual They had fun in creating their national day art and craft work.
Picking up litter on Earth Day On Earth Day, the children learnt about ways to keep our environment clean by picking up litter around the neighbourhood and sang Save My World song.
Giving dates to Muslim staff and friends As the children found out that some of their Muslim friends were observing the fasting month, we took the opportunity to spread awareness about this holy month of Ramadan. The ...
R.I.P Birdie We found a baby female pink-necked green pigeon outside our classroom. It was dying. We tried to saved it but unfortunately, it died. So we buried it under the tree outside ...
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY We did baking and handcrafts to show our appreciation to our mothers. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!! WE LOVE YOU, MUMMIES!!!❤
Watching the pigeons sharing food The children saw a group of pigeons outside our classroom eating the steam bun. It was a good opportunity to have a teachable moment to talk about sharing with the children.
Thank you, Uncle Cleaners The children helped the Uncle Cleaners by picking up litter around the neighbourhood and saying ‘Thank you’ for washing and keeping our neighbourhood clean.
Collecting, sorting and recycling The children were encouraged to bring items that can be reused and recycled to school such as bottles, boxes, newspapers, tins and many more. They were encouraged to sort ...
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY We showed our appreciation to our fathers by making card puzzles and jelly. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!! WE LOVE YOU, DADDIES!!!❤
Kindness Resources Thank you Singapore Kindness Movement for giving us Kindness Day Singapore (KDSG) materials for us to use to role play in our classrooms.
Green Wave 2021 It is an honour to be part of Green Wave 2021. After the planting ceremony by our Centre Principal, Mrs Fan, the children had the opportunity to water the plant.
Racial Harmony Day On Racial Harmony Day, the children were encouraged to put on their traditional costumes. They learnt to appreciate the games played by the older generation such as chapteh ...
National Day Celebration 2021 virtual event We are honoured to be part of Woodlands National Day Celebration 2021 virtual event. The children were very helpful in making the preparation for the background decoration. ...
HDB Digital OHYAY! Preschool Outreach Roadshow The children enjoyed and had dun learning on how to be good neighbours during the roadshow conducted by Housing and Development Board (HDB).
Pangolin and Pals Virtual Show The children enjoyed and had fun learning about the pangolins and other wildlife animals in Singapore conducted by My Animal Buddy (MAB) Preschool - Singapore Zoo. They knew ...
Teachers' Day We made bouquets of flowers to show our appreciation to our teaches. HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY!!!
Red Cross Junior The children had fun during the lesson for Red Cross Junior. They were given demonstrations on how to use the bandages. They had the opportunity to use the bandages when they ...
Collecting plastic bottles and drinking cans We collected plastic bottles and drinking cans to redeem $0.20 coupons from Recycling Vending Machine to purchase an item (Julie’s Wheat Crackers) for the senior citizens at ...
Donation Drive We had donation drive for the Intergenerational Collaboration with NTUC Health Senior Day Care Centre @ Kampung Admiralty to mark the end of our Start Small Dream Big ...
Collaboration with NTUC Health Senior Day Care @Kampong Admiralty As part of our Intergenerational Collaboration with the NTUC Health Senior Day Care @Kampong Admiralty, the K2 children prepared the “Lanterns art and craft kits to send to ...
Launching of Start Small Dream Big Recently, we had our Start Small Dream Big launch in our own classrooms. Each class came up with an item that was related to our theme on ‘Kindness’.We have planned a lot of ...
3D Sea Creatures The children made 3D sea creatures by reusing materials such as plastics, toilet roll spools, drink cartons, styrofoams and many more.
Preparation for SSDB Launch Party The children of PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Woodlands Blk 604 were busy preparing for the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) launch party.
Earth Day On Earth Day, the children learnt and made a poster about saving energy. They also sang and danced to the song Save My World.
Start Small Dream Big Launch Party On 29 April 2019, parents were invited to our Start Small Dream Big SSDB Launch Party. We had a short skit by K2 children followed by a dance performance by N2, K1 and K2 ...
Green Wave 2019 It was an honour to be part of Green Wave 2019 to plant Mistletoe Fig.After the event, the children watered the plants that we have outside our centre.
Recycling The children were encouraged to bring items that can be recycled to school such as plastic bottles, tissue boxes, newspapers and many more. They were encouraged to put these ...
Picking up litters Every week the children are encouraged to pick up litters around our school compound to keep our environment clean.
Parent-child workshop: Clean and Green Starts with Me PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Woodlands branch had organised a workshop Clean and Green Starts with Me for parents and children. They enjoyed doing upcycling of a t-shirt and ...
Donating unused clothes and soft toys The children were encouraged to donate their unused clothes and soft toys to Global Ehsan Relief.
Adopting A Class Pet Since the SSDB launch, the N2 children have decided to adopt a pair of cute hamsters as their classroom’s pet.Through this initiative, the children will learn the importance ...
SSDB Launch Party @ PCF Sparkletots Woodlands CC Blk 604 27 April 2018 was the launch party for our centre. We started off our launch by doing a mass dance, The Chicken Dance. Children from Nursery 2, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten ...