Concluding the project Using the 3D props they did and some tools, the children dramatized the scenario of paramedics going out to help people who are injured or unwell. Then they sent them to the ...
Show and Tell of take home craft The children did a hospital model craft using recycled and art materials with their parents at home. They brought it to school and talked about what they used, how they did ...
N2- Clean up song The N2 children had a great time engaging in music & movement based on the Clean-up song. Through the activity, they experienced the job of a cleaner and ensured the ...
建筑工人 通过话语课堂的学习,幼儿了解到建筑工人的工作之一是搭建房子。教师提供纸筒,彩色纸等材料,幼儿利用这些材料来创建自己的房子。过程中,幼儿在纸筒上创建房子,能帮助幼儿提神立体空间思维,幼儿设计房子的门和窗户,加上房顶,能帮助幼儿加深对建筑工人工作内容的理解。
清洁工人 在我们的生活中离不开清洁工人,他们每天起早贪黑辛勤劳动,换来我们生活环境的整洁干净。幼儿能经常看到身边的清洁工人,但却少有机会去了解清洁工人的辛苦不易。通过这次活动,幼儿能够了解清洁工人一天的工作内容,知道与我们生活环境的关系。同时,幼儿亲身参与,更加直观地感受清洁工人劳动的辛苦和不易,培养幼儿不乱扔垃圾的好习惯,知道爱护环境,尊重清洁工的劳动成果。最...
角色扮演一医生 医生是孩子们生活中经常接触到的人物,但往往小朋友们对医生的了解只停留在“看病打针”的层面。为了让小朋友们更全面地了解医生的工作和本领,通过这次角色扮演的活动,让小朋友了解医生的工作内容。活动中,小朋友们参与了医生,护士,及病人的角色扮演游戏,不仅增进幼儿与同伴间的相互配合,也让小朋友们通过自己亲身实践,用心体会医生工作的伟大和辛苦,并且能够知道看病流程...
2D crafts - Doctors and Nurses The children watched videos and read storybooks related to doctors and nurses. They learnt that doctors and nurses are from different department and they study and do ...
3D crafts - Ambulance and Stretcher The children divided into 2 groups to create a 3D ambulance and a 3D stretcher from cardboard. They pasted tapes on some parts of the boxes and painted or drew on it. The ...
Showing Kindness @ Kidztropic The PG children embarked on a mini project in learning about Kindness. We collaborated with the Singapore Kindness Movement in a learning journey to Kidztropic by Kindsville ...
Growing Through Kindness The N1 children embarked on a mini project on the topic of Kindness and showing appreciation. They went outdoors to help community helpers pick up litter on the floors. They ...
Embarking on the project The K2s started embarking on the the project based on the topic “Caring for the Community”. The focus is healthcare workers who work in the clinics and hospitals. For a start, ...
Let’s write and sing! The storybook “Doctor” and “ Nurses” was read to the children. They asked questions about the doctors and nurses. They wrote a sentence and drew about how they could take care ...
Basic first aid The children were introduced to some of the tools that doctors used. They had discussions and shared their thoughts. Pictures of basic first aid were shown to the children ...
N2 Project Kickoff The N2 children started a mini project about community helpers, focusing on “cleaners,” as part of the “Caring for the Community”. They began by discussing and drawing ...
Storytelling and creative writing The children read a story about construction workers and the role they play in the community. They learnt about the different types of construction workers such as plumber, ...
Building Trucks! After learning more about the construction workers and the role they play to build buildings, homes, roads etc, the children became more aware of the importance of these ...
Showing our appreciation towards the construction workers Before this, the children discussed about how they can contribute towards the community to show that they care and they were willing to give their helping hands towards the ...
主题养老护理员《关怀老人》 通过本次活动,幼儿将通过亲手制作生日蛋糕来培养对家中老人的关心与关爱,同时了解养老护理员的职业性质和工作内容,认识到其在社会中的重要性。活动旨在让幼儿明白关怀老人的重要性,并在手工制作过程中学习装饰技巧,使用颜色和不同材料来表达蛋糕的多样口味和风格。通过观察和接触,幼儿将增强对老年人身体状况的认识,并在为奶奶按摩等互动活动中实践关怀行为,体验服务他人的...
Project Start The K1 children had embarked on the project based on the topic “Caring for the Community” focusing on community helpers such as the construction workers who helped to build ...