Story continue….
Together with children, we worked with an organisation in organising fun and meaningful donation drive to help the disadvantaged elderly (50 families). Children involved in collecting, sorting, packing and distributing to the disadvantaged elderly. During the visit, children performed, played games and mingled with the elderly.
Through this “Donation Drive” blessing the Community, children learnt that they do not need to wait for “one day when they’re grown up” to be able to influence the community. They displayed the spirit of giving and learn good values such as care for others, humility, kindness and compassion. They observed the environment they are living in and extend love and compassion to the needy. Not only have they learned the good values, they applied many concepts they have learnt in school in this project of theirs. Such as, planning, organising, sorting, counting in multiply of five, problem solving, teamwork, etc. It was a great experience and exposure to our children.