As part of their Termly Take-Home Activity, the N2 – K1 children worked on an activity with their families in conjunction with the topic on ‘Caring for Our Family and Community’. They prepared a ‘COVID-19 Care Pack’ which includes decorating of the DIY Paper Bag provided by the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM). They contributed items such as sanitizer, wet tissue, masks and dry food items. The K2 children also prepared Care Paper Bags and delivered them to their neighbours to show they care!
On the 24th of June, the Care Packs were delivered to the NTUC Health Senior Day Care – Marsiling. There were more than 70 COVID-19 Care Packs that were contributed by the parents! It was heartening and really heartwarming to see the overflowing support of the parents in encouraging the spirit of giving to the children.
We can’t wait to put the decorated Singa Figurines up for adoption during the upcoming Fundraising Event!