Caroline Tan

Kovan (KN)

Caroline Tan
29 Sep 2023

Sharing Love For Mid Autumn

As part of our sharing love during Mid Autumn project, we encouraged our parents to make a lantern using recycling materials with their children and submit to the school.

We also requested for donation of groceries for the old folks at the Bright Hill Evergreen Home.

Our parents responded with so much love that we have gathered 21 cartons of grocery items and we have collected $900.00 from selling the hand made lanterns submitted by the children.

The K1 and K2 children took part in tagging the price for the lanterns, promoting and selling the lanterns, sorting donated items according to their category and checking expiry dates.

On the day of the visit, they get serve snacks and drink to the old folks. Since the theme is Sharing Love For Mid Autumn, they recited poems and dance for the old folks.

From this project, our children learn different ways to share love with the old folks, including their grandparents and those around them.

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