And it’s a wrap!
The kids and their families donated a total of $4176.00 for the President’s Challenge!
We chose Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped as our beneficiary.
Though the amount collected was impressive, what was more valuable was the experience that each of our 160 children and their families went through.
The teachers merely acted as the facilitators and the children mostly took charge - from writing letters to organizations to request for sponsorships to packing the goodie bags to leading their parents around for the activities.
We coincided the cheque presentation with the last part of our SSDB project so that our parents and their children (the main contributors) can witness the presentation.
We invited representatives from SAVH (Mdm Fauziah) and NCSS (Ms Juliana) to receive the cheque.
Post Project Feedback
We gave out the specially printed booklets from ECDA and had children record their thoughts in the book.
Parents also gave their feedback.
Many were also happy to share the experience and felt that they learned quite a bit from the experience too.
We are glad that this has been a successful and meaningful project. With this wrap-up, we would also like to give thanks to these people:
For helping in this Project:
The Children and their Families of Blk 261
The Staff and Teachers of Blk 261
The PSG Committee of Blk 261
The Parent Volunteers of Blk 261
For sponsoring the items needed for the activities:
Symmatrix Solution (Pte.) Ltd: Mineral Water
Johnson & Johnson: Body Lotion
Laze Society: Rental of Beanbags
Staff of Blk 261: Food items and Misc
Mrs Angie Neo: Blindfolds
Mr Winston Koh: Tissues
Mr Abdul Rashid: Towels
And also for making the time and effort to spend two Saturdays together to make this SSDB Project a fruitful and memorable experience.
We would also like to thank ECDA for having this initiative and allowing us to be a part of it.
“Caring for Others, Together!”