Eng Siow Peng

PCF Sparkletots @ Tampines Central Blk 868A

Eng Siow Peng
24 Jul

Red Cross Junior (RCJ) Programme: Centre Visit by RCJ Mascot & Basic Bandaging Training Session on 23 April 2024

PCF Sparkletots @ Tampines Central Blk 868A has partnered Singapore Red Cross (SRC) for its Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project this year. Under the partnership, K1 and K2 children are enrolled in the Red Cross Junior (RCJ) programme where they will learn basic first aid skills. Through the project, the Centre hopes to inculcate the values of respect and kindness in children.

To mark the start of the collaboration with SRC, the Centre arranged for a visit by the RCJ mascot and a team of trainers on 23 April 2024 to introduce the K1 and K2 children to SRC and basic bandaging. The highlight of the visit was the hands-on bandaging practice after the trainer’s demonstration. The children had great fun practising how to wrap a crepe bandage around the ‘injured’ limbs of their partners. They also took turns to pose for pictures with RCJ Mascot Henry.

Over the next few months, the K1 and K2 class teachers will reinforce the values of respect and kindness by engaging the children in conversation on how they may show consideration and help the elderly and people who are differently abled.

Children practising bandaging on RCJ Mascot Henry

Children practising bandaging on their peers

Children posing for a group photograph with RCJ Mascot Henry

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