Ms Idayu

Modern Montessori International Preschool @ Compassvale

Ms Idayu
23 Aug

Our Visit to Bright Hill Evergreen Home

On 15 August 2024, the Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 children from MMI Compassvale paid a visit to the elderly residents of Bright Hill Evergreen Home.

The children delighted the elderly with performances of the songs Rasa Sayang and A Ram Sam Sam. The elderly clapped and sang along, while the children danced joyfully.

Following the performances, the children and the elderly were engaged in various games together, including a ball game, BINGO, 5 stones, and pick-up sticks. It was a heartwarming sight to witness the intergenerational bonding and enjoyment as they played together.

As a thoughtful gesture, the children presented the elderly with simple crafts they had made. The smiles and laughters shared during the visit filled everyone’s hearts with warmth and gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the community.

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