Coral Bleaching @ M.Y World Bidadari Alkaff Vista The children from N2 Honesty were engaged in meaningful discussions using the online resource from S.E.A Aquarium. We focused on the topic of coral bleaching which is a ...
SSDB 2022: Kindness Calendar The children started on a kindness calendar. They picked different kindness tasks to do in the classroom and around school.
SSDB 2022: Kindness Calendar The PG children were introduced to the kindness calender. They pledged to do kindness acts in the classroom and around the school.
SKM Pupper Show @ M.Y World Bidadari Alkaff Vista The Playgroup and Nursery 1 children watched a puppet show organized by the Singapore Kindness Movement. The show was very interactive and children had so much fun! Most of ...
M.Y World@ Bidadari Alkaff Vista Launch Party M.Y World @ Bidadari Alkaff Vista launched our SSDB project in May. Here’s a video of the happenings with regards to our project.