Water saving actions! The children went through multiple activities to learn about ways to save water, taking a pledge about water saving and they also made art works to show cause their ...
Mandarin Lesson on Water Saving and Water Cycle! The children learned about the water cycle during their Mandarin lesson and learned through a story reading about what happens if we do not have water. The story lists the ...
Reusing our water The children had the chance learn about different ways we can reuse our rain water. During the rainy days, our children left containers outside to collect water. We asked the ...
Water Conservation SSDB launch Party! The children were introduced to the theme of the year, water conservation during the launch party! They were read a story about sharing water and were able to identify ...
SSDB Less Waste Reflection & Finale The Kindergarten children made posters to reflect on what they have learned through their journey. They children also discussed ways we can help to save the earth and ...
My Jolly Educare: organic foods that can be used in ZERO waste intiatives The Kindergarten children embarked on a scanvenger hunt to find as many vegetable and fruits in our community garden in Sunbird Circle. They were in groups lead by their ...
My Jolly Educare: Journey towards learning about zero waste initiatives! The kindergarten children learnt about how to make compost by using greens and browns found in our school’s backyard. To make our own simple compost bin, the children used ...
My Jolly Educare SSDB 2021: Food Waste, Save our Earth Launch Party! The children had a jolly good time working on the research for this project. They found out what happens to our trash that we throw away, where it ends up and how it impacts ...
A Song of Thanksgiving for the Unsung Heroes The children from N2 and the Kindergarten gathered together to practice and performed a song of Thanksgiving in Chinese to all the Unsung Heroes out there!
SSBD 2020 - Thanking our Unsung Heros Often times, we forget the people behind the scenes who helped us in making Singapore a clean and green environment, and those who worked hard to make sure that in the ...
Befriending the Elderly by My Jolly Educare The children had a great time befriending the residents at Orange Valley at Simei. They showed their love and care by performing for the residents and helping them to colour ...