Mrs Foo

Newton Kindergarten

Mrs Foo
17 Apr 2024

We Love Vegetables.


Genesis 1:11

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their.

For this year’s Start Small Dream Big project, all K1 children decided to plant edible plants after brainstorming. We have plants such as Lady’s finger, Chilli, Basil and Cherry tomatoes.

The teacher introduced the necessary ingredients for the seeds to grow into plants with the children. Thereafter, we demonstrated step by step of how to plant from seeds with the class. The children were fascinated by the procedures and they could not wait to try it out themselves. 

This took co-operation and teamwork from children, working together to nourish their plants.

Daily routine is scheduled to the children, and they take turns to water the plants. 

After 4 weeks, the children is very happy to see the growth of the stem and leaves, little shoot showing up.🌱 And till now, it has been 11 weeks, and they can’t wait to harvest them! 🪴

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