Tr. Siti Mariam

Alora Preschool

Tr. Siti Mariam
30 May 2024


We are thrilled to launch our SSDB project titled ‘WE CARE’ as we focused on the elderlies in the community. This unique and groundbreaking project aims to bridge the generation gap by bringing together preschool-aged children and elderly individuals in a nurturing and compassionate environment. During the launch, the children were given the opportunity to share their thoughts about the elderlies as they gave responses such as:

  • “Elderlies are old people like our grandparents.”

  • “Some of them are not strong and can’t walk.”

  • “They also feel lonely because no one to accompany or talk to them at home, everyone is working. Only can spend time at night..”

While the children understood the importance of showing care and concern towards the elderlies, they came up with suggestions on what they could do for them such as:

  • Spending time doing activities of their interest

  • Having meals together

  • Create a card as a gift for the elderlies to cjeer them up

Alora Preschool collaborated with Active Aging Centre (AAC) for the children to experience socializing and interacting with the senior age group. It is a residential facility that extends support to seniors living nearby in the community by building strong social connections, take part in recreational activities, and contribute to the community as they wish.

Our preschoolers have decided to create greeting cards for the senior residents as a gift. We can’t wait to visit them soon! 😄

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