Nur Amaliah Binte Abdul Jamal

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Tampines Central Blk 867A (CC)

Nur Amaliah Binte Abdul Jamal
27 May 2020

Water Games

To commemorate World Water Day, the K2 children had the opportunity to participate in water games where they had a lot of fun working as a team and interacting with their friends.

The objective of this relay activity will be to foster teamwork amongst children and to encourage them to focus as they attempt to squeeze in the water into the small Yakult bottle.

The children also shared their thoughts on the activity:

Elliott: “I had a lot of fun because I get to play with my friends.”

Avery: “It is quite difficult to squeeze the water into the Yakult bottle. I get a little bit wet!”

Jubair: “This game is like a race! My team win because we got a lot of water in our Yakult bottles!”

It was great to have the children participate in this activity! On the other hand, the N1 children also had their water play activity as they attempted to explore the effects of soap and water.

They had a great fun exploring & interacting with their friends!

On a separate activity, the N1 children also had a lot of fun practicing their fun motor skills as they scoop and pour the water into containers of varying sizes and shapes. 

Have fun children! 

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