Teacher Norhayati

En-Naeem Mosque Kindergarten

Teacher Norhayati
18 Aug 2024

Visit to the Society for the Aged Sick

On July 23rd 2024, the K2’s visited the Society for the Aged Sick. This visit allows children to develop an understanding on ageing and respect towards the elderly as well as build intergenerational bonds.

Prior to the visit, the children prepared heart-warming card with ‘love’ messages written by them and practised sing along song of different languages.

On the day of the visit, the children began the programme with a special performance with the song, “The More We Get Together” with three different languages and “Chan Mali Chan”. 

The children then participated various activities such as Puzzle, Passing ball and Bingo together with the residents.

As much as the children wanted to stay and continue to interact with the residents, it is time to say goodbye. With a little goodie, packed with love, children distributed to each resident before saying goodbye.

From this visit, children experience on enhancing their empathy and social responsibility.

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