Prior to the field trip, children were introduced to a book by NParks called ‘An Adventure In A City In A Garden’. In this book, they explored different types of plants and animals found in Singapore. After that, they drew one favourite plant and one favourite animal from what they had learnt.
They played ‘Snap Cards’ on the plants and animals found in the book too.
During the on-site activity, children went on a virtual tour to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. They got close to the biodiversity of plants and animals of Singapore’s ecosystem to discover the beauty and wonders of nature. The highlight was the mangroves, that children were amazed by how it grew and its importance.
Pictures with facts of plants and animals were pasted around the classroom for children to learn more about them.
Children did an activity sheet on naming the plants and animals seen in the Wetland Reserve as well as matching the features to their respective names.
In the post activity, children shared how they felt about the field trip. They also discussed about the dos and don’ts when they are at any nature outdoor and what to do when they encounter animals. Throughout these 3 days of activities, children learnt that Singapore is a city in a garden because everywhere they turn, they see beautiful plants and animals. In line with our SSDB project, they wish everyone can play a part by keeping the environment clean to protect the animals.