We have come to the end of Phase 2 of our SSDB Project!
Over the holidays, parents were encouraged to collect recyclable materials for their upcycling art piece. They were given few topics or themes for them to pick and recreate figure of various icons in Singapore.
Some of the children and parents paticipated in the home upcycling project where they used recyclable materials to create an 2D or 3 D artwork pieces. Some children brught them to school and shared with their friends on the upcycling artwork that they had worked on together with their parents at home.
Here are some of the iconic places in Singapore that the children picked for their upcycling home project. It includes the HDB buildings that are seen all over Singapore, the fire engines on duty when there is an emergency island wide.
After the completion of the upcycling home project, children were encouraged to write down their vision for the future of Singapore on their iPledge card.
The children shared relative point of views that they can contribute towards a clean and green country. They learnt the importance of keeping the environment clean such as minimizing and recycling waste.
Here are some of the children’s pledge for Singapore for the future!
The children had a great time participating in this clean and green project, being able to contribute their part to the community.