
Agape Little Uni @ Gambas

12 Jul 2023

Unite with Love, Play with Passion!

It’s a wrap! We are excited to announce that our SSDB sports day has concluded with a huge success!

With our focused theme, “caring for family,” we aimed to celebrate the language of love and promote strong relationships through our sports day event. The children and parents united in the spirit of love, enthusiastically participating in a variety of sports activities such as three-legged race, baton relay, balloon stomp, hula hoop relay, and obstacle rider. The parents also had the opportunity to showcase their strength and teamwork in the exciting tug-of-war battles: Dads Vs. Dads and Mums Vs. Mums.

We then concluded our event with award ceremony and presented each participant with certificates, recognizing their efforts and commitment.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their enthusiastic participation and unwavering support. This event provided a beautiful opportunity for all of us to connect and strengthen our bonds with one another. It was truly a remarkable occasion that brought us closer as an Agape family, fostering a deeper sense of connection and unity.

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