Espanola Elvira Ortiz

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Jurong Central Blk 404 (CC)

Espanola Elvira Ortiz
10 Apr 2018


A snippet of a Chinese Proverb ,” If you want happiness for a lifetime,help somebody” would probably give a glimpse on what we would to like to achieve for this project.

It took a lot of Morning Messages and conversations about “Helping” for the children to finally get a good grip of the mission they are about to accomplish. They found out ,Helping can be in so many ways. Helping oneself,Helping at Home, in School,in the Community. It can also be anywhere,anytime, and even just as easy as smiling at someone.

With these in mind,the children were more than excited to launch their mission.

Prior to the launch,the children prepared personalized envelopes with some candies and card about helping to be given to anyone in the neighbourhood during a short stroll. Aside from that, they also have placards to promote awareness about Helping Others.

Nothing fancy,the children started their parade inside the school,going to every class and greeting class teachers “HOW MAY I HELP YOU TODAY?” , a tagline they used as well to greet others nowadays.

Their excitement fueled up as they took their short stroll in the neighbourhood. They turn heads as they confidently held their placards, giving away their personalized envelopes, and greet people happily as they walk. Some friendly neighbours took time to talk to them and find out about their task. People smiled even at the mere sight of them.

There was a joyful vibe all around.

Though a little exhausted from the stroll,it did not deter them to sit and listen for video presentations in class about their community projects and share further ideas about Helping.They were happy to see photos of themselves helping out in the school too.

The infamous Star-Shaped cards were made as ,”THANK YOU NOTES” from their parents. It was a touching moment to read out to children their parents notes about them “Helping” and how blessed they were to have kids who cares.

It was a simple and yet a fruitful event for the children.

We know we still have a lot to tick off on our bucketlist for our advocacy.

Nevertheless,we had a good warm-up.

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