Teacher Ezah

Little Footprints Preschool (Kent Ridge)

Teacher Ezah
27 Aug 2022

START SMALL DREAM BIG – Goodie bags donation to Pertapis Children’s Home

After learning the importance of caring for the underprivileged children, the Centre decided to donate goodie bags which contained a set of stationeries and storybook to be given to the underprivileged children. All the Nursery to K2 children and their families donated $6 each to our funds to purchase the items for the goodie bag. We were grateful that some families donated more and with the excess amount, we made a donation to Pertapis Children’s Home.

During the activity, children were involved in decorating the goodie bags with various art tools. Aside from decorating the goodie bags, each class also created an item to be included in the goodie bag. The Nursery children made and painted a pencil holder using paper cups. The K1 children created key chains and the K2 children made a notebook using recycled coloured papers and decorated it with various art materials.

Lastly, the children helped to pack the items into the goodie bags to be donated to the children from the home. The teacher and the principal then delivered the goodie bags and the cash donations to Pertapis Children’s home on behalf of the centre.

The in-charge was happy to receive our donations and we hope the children from the home can feel our warmth, care and love for them.

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