Our launch party was quite different this year and it only involved the K1 classes. Though the whole world are suffering from the pandemic it didn’t stop us to launch for our project. It was unique, beautiful and aunthetic because the ideas were from the children. The SSDB title is “Upcycling and Healthy Food Drive Cum A Tribute To Our Healthcare Providers” we believe that it is timely and we would want the children to show appreciation and gratitude to our healtcare providers.
During the launch party the K1 Responsible 1 recited a short sentence on why they are thankful to our healthcare providers, wherein the K1 Responsible 2 sung a beautiful song dedicated to them, and lastly for K1 Responsible 3 had a class discussion about the theme. Lastly, we ended the party by a group photo.
We hope that through this project we will be able to educate and inspire the children, their families and the community.