Nur Aini

Sunflower Preschool @ Bedok Reservoir

Nur Aini
10 Jun 2024

Start  Small Dream Big Project 2024: A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way.

The k1 and K2 children are interested in exploring the topic of kindness; therefore, our project this year is called “A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way.” To kickstart the SSDB project, the N2 to K2 children made a simple banner. They added a paper people chain to the banner to represent unity and how one act of kindness can impact the whole community.

To introduce the topic of kindness, the K2 children participated in a simple activity in which they picked a picture card and described the act of kindness shown in the picture. They also shared instances where they had the opportunity to practice kindness towards their friends, parents, grandparents, or even strangers. The children learned that it is important to lend a helping hand to those in need, such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

Here are the children’s responses:

“This bus driver is a nice man. He is helping the woman in the wheelchair get on the bus.”

“Bus drivers are community helpers, right?”

“Community helpers like to help others.”

“I see the children in this picture picking up litter on the floor.”

“We must keep our environment clean.”

“We don’t want people to live in dirty places.”

Through the picture talk, the children were able to explore and discuss different aspects of kindness. They realized that being kind also means caring for the environment so that others can have a comfortable place to live.

As for the K1 children, they were engaged in a story-reading session in class, where they discussed about instances where they displayed kindness and they could even re-enact different scenarios through simple role-play activities.

“Must be nice and help them.”

“When somebody fall down, then we need to go help them to stand up, cannot just leave them there and laugh at them!”

“We need to be kind to everyone.”

“We help other friends everytime!”

All in all, the children had a great time learning and talking about kindness. Everyone did a fantastic job sharing their thoughts and ideas on this topic. This project helps them understand kindness better and will hopefully encourage them to practice it in their daily lives

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