Catherine Ong


Catherine Ong
25 Aug 2021

SSDB2021 and Kindness Day. Thank you for making a difference in our daily lives!

In conjunction with Kindness Day on 21st May 2021, Kids and Kins Chilc Care Centre crafted our SSDB project to reinforce the significance of Kindness and respect to people around us with our children.

The past year has been very trying for many, having to adjust to new norms due to the pandemic. Our children made chocolate chip cookies and gifted them to persons who have made a difference in their daily lives, to show their gratitude and appreciation to these persons. In doing so, our children also “Stay Connected, Make a Difference” through their little acts of kindness. 

As COVID19 turns endemic, we hope that Singaporeans can come together as one, stay kind and gracious, and help one another tide through these difficult times.

Let’s make chocolate cookies!!

Ready for gifting!

Schoolbus Uncle and Aunty make sure we reach school and home safely everyday! Thank you!

The security guard makes sure our home is safe! Thank you!

My neighbour Aunty always gifts us yummy home-cooked food! Thank you!

Ah Yee plays with me and teaches me when my parents are busy. Thank you!

Our grandparents take good care of us. Thank you!

Our Aunties are awesome! Thank you!

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