Chin Siew Khoon

Grace Child Development Centre

Chin Siew Khoon
1 Oct 2023

SSDB Project on “Little Mighty Us” - Closing Ceremony

Our Start Small Dre Big Project 2023 comes to an end yesterday (19 Sept 23) as we reflect on the learning journey with the children!

This project spanned over 6 months and our children developed socio-emotional competencies such as compassion, their uniqueness and abilities to teach and guide others, helping the less fortunate and also, a deeper understanding on the beneficial of plants on our body and mental health! Every effort counts, none too small !

Our project work ,” Little Mighty Us - Soap Making Workshops” was a success and we collected a total of $2094 for Rainbow Centre. We would like to thank parents, teachers and our little ones for their cooperation and contribution in all and any ways

Please enjoy the video and listen to what the children have to say about their own reflections!

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