Today (29 April 2024) was the initial launch for the “Start Small Dream Big” (SSDB) project. The theme for this year is “Doing Good together”. The school embarked on a journey to instil the values of the children to learn to appreciate their grandparents and/or caregivers. Everyone was gathered at the chapel. The wide grins and orange bucket hats created a suitably bright atmosphere at the chapel. The children had the opportunity to know more about “Start Small Dream Big” through slides presentations and song. There was even a sharing session from the older classes (Nursery to Kindergarten) where the children had the chance to share how their grandparents and/or helpers had help them in one way or another. From July through August, the school children will delve into the world of appreciating their grandparents and/or caregivers through a series of activities (making of appreciation cards, serving food, and presenting door gifts to them). We believe that by starting small, the children can dream big and make meaningful impact for their grandparents and/or caregivers. With everyone playing apart, together we will be able to do it. Stay tuned and look out for our next exciting upcoming “Start Small Dream Big” events!