Solas Marianne Mimi Masculino

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sengkang North Blk 231 (DS)

Solas Marianne Mimi Masculino
16 Sep 2022

SSDB PCF SENGKANG NORTH Blk 231/232 - “Sharing is Caring” Food Donation Drive

In partnership with FoodbankSG, students from PCF Sparkletots Blk 231/232 had a food donation drive to help other families. Another goal of this activity was to raise awareness on food wastage and food insecurity.

The children had a fun time making food donation boxes and labelling them. They also informed other classes so that they can also join share what they have. They enjoyed donating goods and sorting them in the correct boxes. They also involved their parents in collecting more food to give to the less fortunate.

After the donation drive, the children were also involved in packing and labelling the boxes. They made sure that every box is ready for pick up.

Everyone was very proud of what they did because they had a chance to help the community!

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