Rafidah Binte Othman

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Nee Soon East Blk 333D (CC)

Rafidah Binte Othman
27 May 2024

SSDB Launching cum Earth Day

SSDB Launching cum Earth Day

PCF SPARKLETOTS NEE SOON EAST BLK 333D proudly launched the ‘Start Small Dream Big’ project on Friday, 19th April 2024. Embracing the theme on “Save the Earth”. This launch also coincided with our centre Earth Day celebration on the same day.

The objectives are to create awareness to children on the several ways to save the Earth such as planting, volunteering to pick up litters in the community as well as instilling the 3Rs - Reduce, reuse and recycle best practice to the children. The teachers kicked start the event by introducing how we can save and care for the environment. Children across the levels participated in these meaningful celebrations.

Our K1 and K2 children even presented their performance with a Chinese song titled 地球是我们的家《幼儿律动手语》; The Earth is Our Home. K2 children were also tasked to be the ambassador to ‘Save the Earth’, they also presented a pledge as a promise to take care of the environment.

Ms. Cecilia was invited to launch the event by planting tiny seeds into a pot. After which, all classes started their planting session of different green vegetables such as Chye sim, Pak Choy, and Celtuse.

Before heading back to the centre, children walked around the neighbourhood to pick litters. The children would use the collected waste/discarded items in exchange for points to support the Singapore Green Award.

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