Ms Yati

Agape Little Uni @ Commonwealth

Ms Yati
27 Jun 2024

SSDB Launch: I ’sea’ you

As the saying goes, “ The smallest act of kindness from a child can inspire a ripple of positive change.” Our children, alongside S.E.A Aquarium came together to drive an initiative on marine conservation.

This initiative, titled ‘ I sea you; 我鱼海’ embodies the philosophy that small, concerted efforts can lead to significant impacts on marine conservation. Hereby, protecting the ocean and the marine animals the children know and love!

Our children were introduced to the importance of our initiatives. Their voices recorded “ why so many trash in the ocean, so dirty” “Oh no! The turtle get stuck, then will get sick. so sad.”

N2 - k2

Our preschoolers created their pledge. They promised to play their part in protecting the ocean! 

PG - N1 

The children worked to paint canvases, creating shades of blue  to represent the ocean. Their canvases, when pieced together, created an unique art piece that spreads awareness on our initiative. 

With that, our SSDB 2024 initiative was launched! 

Hereby, alongside our children, we are  looking forward to discover the ocean and its importance.  Let’s embark on this exciting journey to save our seas together!

Entry: 31 May 2024

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