Ms Jeannie Anne Salve Alvarez Luces

Spring Brainy Kidz @ Ubi

Ms Jeannie Anne Salve Alvarez Luces
23 Sep 2021

SSDB LAUNCH: Embracing Differences


SBK@Ubi kicked off their annual SSDB participation by having a ribbon cutting and a pledge with the children from N2 to K2, Miss Lim (school principal) and Miss Jaimie (mommy of one of the K1 children) as resource speaker and the teachers.

Ribbon cutting was also done for the SBK Community Garden where children will grow plants and also will decorate some pots to sell it to raise funds that will be donated to the community partners like the Down Syndrome Association.

“Embracing Differences” as the theme of the school in where children will inculcate the values Love, Respect, Kindness and Responsibility through various activities that the children will be engaged on for the upcoming months. 

After the ribbon cutting, children went to their respective classrooms and assigned areas. Some of the children were at the garden area where Miss Jamie shared her knowledge about planting and how can children take care of them. Other children were at the playground area where they decorated some of the recyclable pots to add in our garden. N2 children had a storytelling activity entitled “It’s not okay to be alone” which tackles differences and implying values that we must accept and be friends with others even though we are different from each other. K1 and K2 children had a writing activity about how should they show love, respect, kindness and responsibility to different people around them and other living things like plants. They wrote their answers on a leaf and pasted it to the “Tree of Virtues”.

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