
Mosaic Preschool @ Eunos

26 Apr 2024

SSDB launch: Earth Day!

Our SSDB project was officially launched yesterday as we celebrated Earth Day. The N2s and K1s were taught about the importance of sustainability as well as introduced to different ways to save the Earth. 

The activities served to introduce the children to the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and build their interest in gardening as we gear towards creating our own school garden using sustainable practices!

  1. Planting Cherry Tomatoes

The Little Innovators (A) (N2s) were introduced to the importance of engaging in sustainable practices such as saving water and electricity. We also learned about the importance of having trees and plants to fight against climate change. Then, the children were invited to grow their own cherry tomatoes. We recycled and reused plastic containers to plant our crops. The children were very excited as they could not stop asking when they would see their seeds sprout!

  1. Making New Paper

Our Little Innovators (B) (N2s) learnt about the importance of recycling and how it can help to save the Earth. We had alot of newspapers in the classroom that were used for our previous project. The children then decided that they would want to do a new paper using the newspaper. First step to making a new piece of paper was the children tearing the newspapers into smaller pieces before we soak them in water.

3. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

Our Little Mosaic Juniors (K1s)  learned about the importance of recycling and how it can save the earth by creating their own poster! We reviewed the different coloured bins and what can be thrown in them, as well as the newer blue bins that can collect all sorts of recyclables before bringing them to a sorting plant. The children helped to tear and cut up pieces of cellophane and craft paper to stick onto the ‘earth’. This poster was made entirely with recycled materials to represent the classes desire to reduce, reuse and recycle!

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