Ms Wong Ming Ai

Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ MacRitchie Park

Ms Wong Ming Ai
7 Jun 2023

SSDB LAUNCH 2023: Big Kindess from Little Hearts ♡

This year, the kiddians from Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ MacRitchie Park embarked on Start Small Dream Big Project titled, Big Kindness from Little Hearts! Working with Singapore Kindness Movement, (SKM) the kiddians aim to spread kindness to others around them!

Our launch party on 27th April started off with an introduction through SSDB Theme song - Step by Step. The kiddians understood that ‘no one can do everything but everyone can do something’! Through the interactive puppet show, kiddians also spotted unacceptable behaviour amongst the Kindness Cubbies. For instance, talking rudely to one another and playing loud music that disturbs the neighbours.

In order to spread kindness to others, on 12th May, our K1 and K2 kiddians went on a Learning Journey to Kindsville where they learnt the 5 kindsville magic words from Singa and the Kindness Cubbies!

We have activities planned in the upcoming weeks for children to actively spread kindness to people around them.

Stay tuned for more updates from KW@MP ♡

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