Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B (CC)

Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin
6 May 2021

SSDB Launch 2021

Our centre had our Start Small Dream Big launch event on 30th April 2021. K1 and K2 parents were invited to attend the virtual event via Zoom. We started the event with a song performance titled ‘Save Our World’ by the K1 and K2 children. After a short introduction of SSDB, the children presented their upcycled projects through a show and tell session. To make the event more engaging, parents and children played a game called ‘Quick, Draw’ where parents had to draw and children had to guess environmentally friendly practices such as saying no to plastic bags and switching off lights before leaving the room. The event concluded with a photo taking session with all the parents and the children.

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