Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pioneer Blk 661B (CC)

Nur Zahirah Binte Zaludin
30 Jul 2020

SSDB Launch 2020

It’s that time of the year again! Every year, our centre look forward to launching our SSDB projects with the Teachers, children and community. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we still want to play our part to show kindness to Earth and everyone living in it.

Instead of having a big launch event with families and the community, we decided to scale down the event by launching it in the respective K1 and K2 classrooms with the teachers and children. We had to find alternatives to involve parents and did so by asking them to bring bottle caps and food wrappers for our SSDB project. We also invited them to create something purposeful using those items with their children at home. Some even shared and uploaded photos on LittleLives.

Similar to previous year’s SSDB launch, we kickstarted the event with the song ‘Save Our World For You and Me’.

After giving a formal introduction of SSDB to the children, they started on their recycling projects. The K1 children upcycled bottle caps into sculptures while the K2 children upcycled food wrappers into pouches.

K1’s bottle cap sculptures:

K2’s food wrapper pouches:

The children then did a show and tell of their projects.

At the end of the launch, the Teachers and children discussed about the importance of showing care to Earth and how they can play a part and make a difference in this world. They jotted down their thoughts and progress on the reflection journal.

And that was the end of our SSDB launch! Stay tuned to see how we show care to people who have been working hard to help others in this pandemic.

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