
My First Skool @ Alkaff Crescent

18 Sep 2023

SSDB Journal My First Skool @ Alkaff Crescent - Assembly Talk by SEA Aquarium (19 June)

In our last week of the June Holidays, children attended an assembly talk with guest speakers from S.E.A Aquarium. They did a short recap about their trip to S.E.A Aquarium in May and discussed about the food that different marine animals eat, as well as where to find them. Then, children played an ‘I Spy’ game, by comparing the pictures when the ocean is ‘clean’ versus when the ocean is ‘polluted with trash’. They were invited to draw out one of the animals and shared about how the animals will feel when they see that their home is destroyed. After the talk, children were more aware of their own actions and how they can also play a part in saving the ocean as well as the marine animals!

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