
M.Y World @ Canberra Eastlink

30 Aug 2022

SSDB Closure - Caring for Our Community (Elderly)

The K2 Children from M.Y World @ Canberra Eastlink embarked on this Start Small Dream Big project before the start of term 3 and concluded their memories before the end of term 3.

They focused on the core value; “Caring” for the elderly in their surrounding neighbourhood. They expressed their creativity by coming up with their own class banner for the launch of SSDB and for a start, they wrote little notes of appreciation for the elderly around them to show care and kindness towards them. They went back home to extend the tender loving care to their grandparents in their household by assisting them with chores and participating in special moments such as birthday celebrations.

During curriculum hours, the children went outdoors to greet the elderly in our neighbourhood and express their care and concern towards them by having some interactions with them during the day. They distributed the stickers given in the care packs and pledged to care for the elderly. Likewise in centre, they assisted the centre support aunties with their daily necessary cleaning which could cater to their ability during routine in school such as wiping door knobs, table and chairs after meals.

In addition, we also liaise with All Saints Home Elderly, as a form of care appreciation, we celebrated two events with them via zoom due to covid restrictions. We planned for activities to interact with them and created a bond towards them. Both the elderly and the children enjoyed their sessions. Lastly, the children did their reflection in the activity book provided in the care pack to express what they have learnt throughout the process of this project.

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